Waterfall #2
Two channel HD video installation
Size: 4 330 x 15 280 cm
Duration: 12:35
Sound Design: Mikko Hyninen
Colour correction: Timo Teräväinen
An enormous amount of water is cascading down in front of the viewer every second. This massive fifteen-metre-wide video projection of a waterfall covers an entire wall in the exhibition space. The soundscape filling the room consists partly of an original recording of the waterfall, partly of sounds created for this work. Together they make the soundscape abstract, at times even melodic. The waterfall with its sources deep within the glaciers was filmed in Iceland. The water in the video is melting water from these glaciers.
Standing in front of a glacier is a touching experience. Things seem to fall into perspective. The time of a human being feels like a droplet compared to the time of a glacier. There is something dignified about glaciers, their movement, and their posture. They almost feel as though they are alive.
Waterfall #2 was first shown at the Serlachius Museums as part of the exhibition Posing Time in 2021.