Smile Series
Various Media
An elderly woman sits down on a chair. She waits for a moment and then she smiles. She stops smiling and starts again. She keeps repeating this same procedure over and over again. Every time the smile is a little different. It seems that she is smiling at something, but it remains unclear what that something might be. When filming Telle (73 smiles), Aki (107 smiles), Céci (60 smiles), Tuomas (10 smiles), Tytti (50 smiles) and Jussi (28 smiles) the models were asked to perform the same task, to smile repeatedly. The results vary greatly from Aki´s almost mechanical smile to Telle´s warm-hearted greeting.
Aki (107 smiles)
Duration: 62 min 19 s
Céci (60 smiles)
duration: 60 min 45 s
Telle (73 smiles)
duration: 62 min 17 s
Tuomas (10 smiles)
duration: 62 min 29 s
Tytti (50 smiles)
62 min 17 s
Jussi (28 smiles)
duration: 62 min 14 s